Self-care Vision Board

  • art supplies, tools

    Gather Supplies

    You will need the following items to create your self-care vision board: scissors, glue or tape, old magazines, and heavy card stock or poster board in preferred size.

  • doing the work, putting it together, creating

    Doing the Work

    After gathering supplies, sit compassionately and without judgement in your thoughts about what it means to take care of yourself. Identify what nurtures you. Look through magazines for images that inspire these areas. Cut and gather as many clippings as you desire.

  • putting it together, healing seeing the big picture

    Putting it Together

    When you are comfortable with what you have collected, it’s time to put your board together. Arrange and adhere the images on the card stock or poster board in a manner that best suits you, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Take a deep breath…hold it…now exhale. Don’t over think how you will put it together, just start and see where the process takes you.


Compassionately and without judgment, look at what you have created. Listen to your body with how it responds.

  • How did this process feel? Think about what may be influencing these feelings?

  • Did your self-care board encompass everything you need?

  • Are there things missing? What kinds of things do you still need?

  • Have you identified what nurtures you?

  • Are you still figuring out what the different parts of you need?

  • Have you discovered areas that may be draining you?

The self-care board is NOT about creating something perfect; it is a means for self-discovery. Feel free to remove clippings that do not reflect or serve you. Use a pen, pencil, or marker to write or create what is missing from your self-care board. Add more clippings, words, or images as you discover more about yourself.

During this process, you may discover areas that are draining you—link to the boundaries section to explore creating boundaries for yourself.